In the Aztec horoscope
In the Aztec horoscope, individuals under the House sign stand out for their cunning, firmness and balance, being loyal and efficient at work. They see love as an adventure that deserves to be lived with risks. They are pessimistic and seek new things when relationships become stable. Attracted to games of chance, they can risk a lot, including their home and family. They are communicative and constantly need emotional support. The birth calendar covers dates such as January: 5, 17, 29; February: 3, 15, 27; March: 11, 23; April: 4, 6, 28; May: 10, 22; June: 3, 15, 27; July: 9, 21; August: 2, 14, 26; September: 7, 19; October: 1, 13, 25; November: 6, 18, 30; December: 12, 24.
Each person has a complete astrological chart, not just a zodiac sign
Each person has a complete astrological chart, not just a zodiac sign. While many respond with their Sun sign when asked about their sign, this only represents the position of the Sun at the time of birth. The chart includes other elements, such as the "ascendant" or "rising sign" that was appearing on the horizon at that moment, influencing how you are perceived by others. The moon also plays a significant role, revealing information about your emotional life, relationship with your mother, and how you deal with feelings. Each planet and even asteroids contribute to creating a more complete and accurate portrait of the astrological influence in your life.
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Discover some interesting facts about Astrology
Astrology and Music: Astrology, a pseudoscience with no scientific basis
Astrology and Music: Astrology, a pseudoscience with no scientific basis, explores the relationship between the movements of the stars and life on Earth. In the musical context, it influences tastes and talents according to the characteristics of each sign. Signs like Taurus, Libra and Pisces are especially linked to music. Astrology can also guide the choice of instruments, inspire personalized compositions and playlists. Although there is no ideal song for each sign, astrology can influence people's emotional connection to music. Respect for individual beliefs is fundamental, even considering that astrology is not a proven science.
Many people associate astrology solely with creating horoscopes, but in reality
Many people associate astrology solely with creating horoscopes, but in reality, it can be applied to a variety of situations. In addition to personal astrology charts, which can include everything from countries and companies to specific events, astrology has several uses. Horary astrology, for example, is employed to answer specific questions with time constraints, while mundane astrology addresses global events and trends. Electoral astrology is used to choose the right time for important activities, such as surgeries, weddings or business launches.
The sign Virgo, sixth of the Zodiac
The sign Virgo, sixth of the Zodiac, is represented by a young woman holding an ear of wheat or a scale, symbolizing harvests and pondering. The legend behind this sign dates back to the Greek myth of the creation of the World, according to which the Titans, Prometheus and Epimetheus, created men and animals. Epimetheus gave gifts to animals, but for men, without gifts, he asked for help from Prometheus, who gave the gift of fire, granting superiority to humans. Zeus imprisoned Prometheus for revealing the secret of fire and sent Pandora to Earth with a forbidden box. Upon opening it, evils were released, except hope. The gods left, beginning the Iron Age, and Astreia, goddess of purity, took refuge in the constellation Virgo, symbolizing the hope of a golden age.
Tá Escrito
Tá Escrito is a Brazilian comedy produced by Globo Filmes in partnership with Paris Entretenimento, directed by Matheus Souza. The film stars Larissa Manoela as Alice, an advertising student who, upon receiving a blank book, gains the power to make astrological predictions written in it. The film marks the second collaboration between Larissa Manoela and André Luiz Frambach and the fifth partnership between Victor Lamoglia and director Matheus Souza.
Astrology, despite having ancient connections with astronomy
Astrology, despite having ancient connections with astronomy, is now considered a pseudoscience, as it lacks scientific foundation. The lack of statistical evidence for the causal relationship between horoscopes and events in human life leads to the view of the birth chart as a tool based on mystical beliefs, linking more to the individual perspective than to actual events. The practice of astrology also involves misinterpretations of scientific terms, which can promote ignorance and turn the public away from science. Furthermore, concepts such as the zodiac and vibration have no scientific support, and the physical or gravitational influence of distant celestial bodies is practically negligible. Thus, astrological claims cannot be explained scientifically.
Astrology, a pseudoscience that explores the influence of the stars on human life, uses the astral chart to show the position of the stars and zodiac signs at the time of a person's birth. According to Kabbalistic astrology, this celestial disposition influences personality. The Astrological Charts are unique, repeating themselves every 26,000 years. Max Haindel, a 20th century astrologer, proposes the concept of "stellar baptism", where astral influences at the moment of birth affect the entire life. This idea is explored in daily horoscopes, highlighting resonances between a person's astral vibration and that of a specific moment. It is recommended to consult an astrologer for the precise interpretation of these elements.
Astrology, although some defend it as a science
Astrology, although some defend it as a science, is not recognized as such by the scientific community. It is based on the idea that events on Earth are linked to planetary movements at the time of birth, influencing characteristics and destinies. However, the lack of consensus on how this relationship occurs and the absence of scientific foundations are critical points. Statistical studies, such as those by Michel Gauquelin, are cited by astrologers but remain questionable. The validity of astrology is challenged in cases of identical twins, and the lack of falsifiability in astrological claims is a concern. Physicist Stephen Hawking points to incompatibility with established scientific theories as the central reason for the rejection of astrology by most scientists.
Modern astrology is based on the interpretation of the Natal Chart
Modern astrology is based on the interpretation of the Natal Chart, associating astrological meanings with the context of the analyzed situation. Predictive analysis uses techniques such as Transits, Progressions, Arc Directions and Solar Return. Despite almost disappearing in the 20th century, Horary Astrology has recently re-emerged with renewed interest in traditional techniques. Classic zodiac signs are associated with specific parts of the body. In addition to Western astrology, other forms are practiced globally, with traditions in China since 2000 BC, in India since around 1500 BC, and in the Aztecs with 20 signs. 19th century English astrology was influenced by theosophy, and today, there is a resurgence of "classical astrology", including translations of ancient works, as well as psychological and transpersonal approaches.
Astrology, based on celestial observation and the movements of astronomical bodies, uses ephemerides to determine celestial positions. The Horoscope is the main tool, representing the position of the bodies in relation to the zodiac signs, astrological houses and aspects. Several astrological traditions, such as Western, Chinese, Vedic and Kabbalistic, have specific approaches, involving natal, horary, elective, world and agricultural astrology. Astrology influenced the language and, while the Western uses the tropical zodiac, the Hindu uses the sidereal, more aligned with the astronomical position of the stars.
Astrology, with records dating back to the third millennium BC
Astrology, with records dating back to the third millennium BC, played an important role in several cultures, influencing ancient astronomy and other disciplines. Until the Modern Age, astrology and astronomy were indistinguishable, but they gradually separated. Astrologers claim that celestial bodies influence events on Earth. However, rigorous scientific studies have not proven its effectiveness, leading to its classification as pseudoscience. Tests have shown insignificant results, while generic personality descriptions (Forer Effect) may explain its popularity.
Astrology is considered a pseudoscience that proposes that the positions of celestial bodies can reveal information about human personality and life. When used as an oracle, it is seen as a divinatory practice. Although psychologist Carl Gustav Jung explored astrology, his theory of Synchronicity is widely refuted due to a lack of scientific basis.
The Horoscope is an ancient practice, with records dating back to 7 BC

The Horoscope is an ancient practice, with records dating back to 7 BC. At that time, several ancient civilizations were already dedicated to observing the sky, believing that the stars could influence human life, especially the fate of newborns. This practice originated from the zodiac, which had its first record in 5 BC. The word is of Greek origin and means "circle of animals", referring to the celestial belt that marked the path of the Sun. Each constellation through which the star passed, symbolized a sign, phenomenon called ecliptic.
From ancient times

From ancient times, individual horoscopes and astrology have been used to understand human behavior. By analyzing a person's date and time of birth, astrologers can profile them and predict the future. Furthermore, at the beginning of the Christian Era, the seasons were associated with the different signs. Another influence was the observation of the temperament of people born in the same period, contributing to the characteristics associated with each sign.
Astrologer Oscar Quiroga reported that astrology

Astrologer Oscar Quiroga reported that astrology differentiates between constellations and signs. He explained that the constellations are not used as a reference for astrological calculations due to the irregular nature of the space they occupy in the sky. On the other hand, signs are regular virtual spaces that follow the ecliptic perfectly. The astrologer also pointed out that the universe and people are composed of the same substance, and that astrology studies the mutual relationship between them.
The Zodiac

The Zodiac is an imaginary band in the sky that extends in celestial latitude between 8° north and south of the ecliptic. This area includes the orbits of the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In astronomy, the celestial band is divided into 12 constellations, while in astrology, these constellations form 12 signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. This division is used as the ecliptic coordinate system, where the ecliptic is the origin of latitude and the position of the Sun at the vernal equinox is the origin of longitude.
Babylonian wisdom is believed to be reflected in the Hebrew Bible

Babylonian wisdom is believed to be reflected in the Hebrew Bible. According to EW Bullinger, the creatures described in the book of Ezekiel correspond to the signs of the four quarters of the zodiac: the Lion, the Ox (Taurus), the Man (Aquarius) and the Eagle (Scorpio). Some authors believe that the twelve tribes of Israel relate to the same signs or the Hebrew lunar calendar of twelve lunar months in a lunar year. Others maintain that the arrangement of the tribes around the Tabernacle (reported in the Book of Numbers) reflects the order of the zodiac signs, with Judah, Reuben, Ephraim, and Dan representing Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio, respectively. Thomas Mann reinforced these connections in his novel."
The 4th century B.C

The 4th century B.C. saw the Babylonian star catalog enter Greek astronomy thanks to Eudoxus of Cnidus. Babylonia or Chaldea was so linked to astrology that "Chaldean wisdom" became synonymous with divination through the planets and stars for the Greeks and Romans. Hellenistic astrology derives in part from Babylonian and Egyptian astrology. Horoscopic astrology began to appear in Ptolemaic Egypt (305 BC - 30 BC). The Dendera relief, dating from 50 BC, is the earliest known depiction of the classical twelve-sign zodiac.
During the High Middle Ages, interest in Greco-Roman magic was renewed

During the High Middle Ages, interest in Greco-Roman magic was renewed. This magic included the use of the zodiac, which was found in medieval stained glass, such as in Angers Cathedral. Master glassmaker André Robin made the ornate rosettes for the North and South transepts after the fire in 1451. In addition, the Mughal King Jahangir issued an attractive series of gold and silver coins depicting the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The book Sefer Raziel HaMalakh continues to explore the magic surrounding the zodiac.
Leo, the fifth astrological sign

Leo, the fifth astrological sign, is associated with the constellation that bears its name and the legendary Nemean Lion. This animal, the size of an elephant and tough leather like that of a crocodile, was considered invincible by the inhabitants of the region. But Hercules managed to strangle him and ripped his skin with his hands, using it as a garment. Hera, queen of the gods and enemy of Hercules, transformed the Lion into the constellation we see today. People born between July 22nd and August 22nd are considered typical Leos. Furthermore, Leo forms with Aries/Aries and Sagittarius the triplicity of the Fire signs, and is one of the four fixed signs along with Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius.
The sign of Aries occupies the first place in the zodiac

The sign of Aries occupies the first place in the zodiac. Ruled by Mars, it forms the triplicity of Fire signs along with Leo and Sagittarius. Its symbol is the ram, also representing the cardinal element of the four signs: Cancer/Crab, Libra/Libra, Capricorn and Aries. People born between March 21st and April 20th are considered Aries/Aryans. This constellation is represented by a ram's head, with a spiral horn, which can be seen with the naked eye. This image harks back to Greek mythology of Phrixus, son of Atamas, who was saved from murder by his stepmother, Ino, by a ram with golden wool sent by his mother, Nefele. Later, the animal was sacrificed and its wool buried in the orchard of Ares, the God of War, giving rise to the name of the sign.
Taurus (Tauros) is the second sign of the zodiac

Taurus (Tauros) is the second sign of the zodiac, situated between Aries and Gemini. The symbol is a bull and forms, with Virgo and Capricorn, the triplicity of Earth signs. It is also among the four fixed signs, alongside Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The dates of birth for Taureans vary slightly, but they generally range from April 21st to May 20th. This association comes from a Greek myth, in which Zeus turned into a bull to conquer the princess. King Minos of Crete had a herd of bulls dedicated to Poseidon, who made him king of the seas in exchange for the most beautiful animal. However, Minos decided to trick him by delivering a low-quality bull. Angry, Poseidon asked Aphrodite for help to get revenge. Pasiphae, wife of Minos, fell in love with a white bull and resorted to the architect Daedalus, who built a kind of cow for her to disguise herself. From the union of Pasiphae with the bull, the Minotaur was born, a half-man, half-bull monster.
Gemini, the third astrological sign of the zodiac

Gemini, the third astrological sign of the zodiac, is associated with the constellation Gemini. Its symbol is represented by the twins / twins. It forms with Libra/Libra and Aquarius the triplicity of the Air signs. It is one of the four mutable signs, along with Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. People born between May 21st and June 20th are considered Gemini/Gemini, with slight variations depending on the year. According to Greek legend, Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus, fought in the Trojan War to win over two girls who were already engaged. Castor died, and Pollux, saddened by the loss, asked Zeus to kill him too. Moved, Zeus decided to immortalize them in the constellation of Gemini.
Cancer is the fourth astrological sign of the zodiac

Cancer is the fourth astrological sign of the zodiac, located between Gemini and Leo and associated with the constellation of the same name. Its symbol is a crab in Latin and, together with Scorpio and Pisces, forms the triplicity of the Water signs. It is also one of the four cardinals, along with Aries, Libra and Capricorn. Cancerians are people born between June 21st and July 22nd, with slight variations in dates depending on the year. The legend behind the sign refers to the giant crab sent by Hera, queen of the Greek gods, to rescue the hydra, a reptilian monster with many heads. The crab bit Hercules' feet when he was fighting the terrible monster, but ended up being crushed. As a reward for his act, Hera turned him into the constellation Cancer forever.
Virgo, or Virgo, is the sixth astrological sign of the zodiac

Virgo, or Virgo, is the sixth astrological sign of the zodiac, situated between Leo and Libra and represented by the constellation Virgo. Its symbol is a virgin. Together with Taurus and Capricorn, they form the triplicity of Earth signs. Furthermore, it is one of the four mutable signs, along with Gemini/Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. The natives of this sign are those born between August 23rd and September 22nd, with slight variations depending on the year. According to the Romans, the constellation Virgo represented the goddess of Justice, who was sick because of men's mania for war. Finally, Minerva, goddess of wisdom, placed her image in the sky in honor of bravery.
Libra is the seventh astrological sign of the zodiac

Libra is the seventh astrological sign of the zodiac, situated between Virgo and Scorpio. It is represented by a pair of scales, symbolizing Libras' natural ability to balance and find harmony. It is associated with the constellation Libra and forms with Gemini/Gemini and Aquarius the triplicity of the Air signs. It is also one of the four cardinal signs, along with Aries/Aries, Cancer/Crab and Capricorn. Birthdates range from September 23rd to October 22nd, with slight variations depending on the year. In Greek mythology, Libra is associated with the Goddess of Justice, Virgo. The myth tells that she became ill due to the wars fought between men and, upon returning to heaven, she was honored by Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom, who drew a figure with the stars in memory of her. Libra is the only zodiac sign that is not represented by an animal or person.
Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign of the Zodiac

Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign of the Zodiac, coming from the constellation of Scorpius. When passing through the tropical zodiac (commonly used in Western astrology), the Sun is between October 23rd and November 22nd. According to the sidereal zodiac (more common in Hindu astrology), the Sun passes through Scorpio from approximately November 16th to December 15th. Depending on the zodiac system, someone born under the influence of this sign may be called a "Scorpio" or a "Scorpio". The constellation of Scorpio is based on the legend of Orion. Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy, became jealous of his sister Artemis' friendship with the giant and sent a scorpion to bite him. Zeus placed the image of the animal, along with the star of Orion, as a tribute to history.
The ninth astrological sign, Sagittarius

The ninth astrological sign, Sagittarius, is situated between Scorpio and Capricorn and is associated with the constellation Sagittarius. Represented by the centaur symbol, it is one of the four mutable signs, along with Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, and is part of the triplicity of Fire signs, along with Aries and Leo. People born between November 22nd and December 21st are considered Sagittarius. In Greek mythology, it is said that Chiron, son of a Greek god, was the wisest of the centaurs. He was accidentally hit by a poisoned arrow from Hercules, tried unsuccessfully to treat himself, and wished to die. But since he was immortal, he continued to suffer. To get rid of this condition, he agreed to exchange his immortality with Prometheus. As an honor upon learning of him, Zeus bestowed on him the constellation Sagittarius.
The astrological sign Capricorn

The astrological sign Capricorn is associated with the constellation Capricornus. Represented by a goat with a fish tail, it forms the Earth Triplicity with Taurus and Virgo. It is also one of the four cardinal signs, with Aries, Cancer and Libra. Capricorns are people born between December 22nd and January 20th, with variation depending on the year. The origin of this symbol goes back to the myth of Pan, the god of Nature, who tried to escape from Typhon and ended up drowning when he couldn't completely transform himself into a fish.
The eleventh sign of the zodiac is Aquarius

The eleventh sign of the zodiac is Aquarius, located between Capricorn and Pisces and associated with the constellation Aquarius. In the Middle East, the month of Aquarius corresponded to the period of abundant rainfall, which served as inspiration for the symbol of the sign: a man turning over a jug of water. With Gemini and Libra, Aquarius forms the triplicity of the Air signs and, along with Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, is classified as one of the four fixed signs. People born between January 21st and February 19th are considered Aquarians or Aquarians. According to mythology, Aquarius is Ganymede, a very handsome boy that Zeus took to Olympus to serve as a waiter for the gods. For this reason, he is depicted carrying an urn that spills water.
The twelfth astrological sign, Piscis

The twelfth astrological sign, Piscis, is associated with the constellation Pisces. Its symbol is two fish that are part of the triplicity of Water signs, along with Cancer and Scorpio. It is also among the four mutable signs, along with Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. People born between February 19th and March 20th are considered Pisces. A legend tells that Aphrodite and Eros, divinity of sensitivity and sentimental exchanges, were pursued by Typhon, the god of drought. No one helped them escape, fearing Typhon's fury. It was then that the goat Amalthea showed them the way to the sea, where Typhon could not reach them. Upon entering Poseidon's kingdom, they were finally free from persecution. The god, in gratitude, transformed the two dolphins that took them to the depths of the ocean, where their eternal love would live, in the constellation of Pisces.