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The practice of yoga helps us to connect with ourselves
History of Deyse Joaquim - Espirito Santo, Brasil

The practice of
The practice of yoga helps us to connect with ourselves. It is a means of uniting the body, mind and spirit, thus achieving a greater awareness of ourselves. Through the breathing exercise and the realization of the postures, we reach a state of tranquility and completeness. Meditating also gives us the opportunity to move away from the concepts imposed by society and get closer to our true essence. Thus, the practice of yoga connects us with our interior and helps us to feel more alive... Did you know?

Ao praticar yoga regularmente, é possível sentir uma profunda conexão com o próprio corpo, mente e espírito. Pratico sempre que posso. - by João Neves, Brasil
A prática do yoga é uma experiência transformadora que vai além do aspecto físico, alcançando o bem-estar mental, emocional e espiritual. - by Márcio Farias, Portugal
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