In the Northeast Region of Brazil
In the Northeast Region of Brazil, cuisine is characterized by contrasts between the coast and the hinterland. On the coast, fish-based dishes are common, while the hinterland stands out for foods such as bottled butter, sun-dried meat and jerky. The African influence is evident in Bahia, with dishes such as vatapá, sarapatel, acarajé and fish moqueca, highlighting the use of palm oil. Traditional sweets include cocadas and quindim. In Pernambuco, fish and seafood are enjoyed on the coast, while in the interior, sun-dried meat and goat buchada are popular. In Ceará, seafood is popular, while in the hinterland, carne de sol, baião-de-dois and panelada stand out. The region is rich in tropical fruits used in sweets, juices and ice creams. In Rio Grande do Norte, alambica, a pumpkin soup with milk, stands out... Did you know?