February 22nd is Thinking Day
February 22nd is Thinking Day, the date that marks the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell and his wife Olave Baden-Powell, founders of the Scouting movement and the Girl Guides, respectively. Created in 1926 during the 4th World Conference of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, the day aims to promote reflection on important issues and encourage global brotherhood.
Originally known as Founder's Day, the event was an idea proposed at the conference to honor Baden-Powell's legacy. The date gained a broader meaning over time, with the name changed to World Thinking Day in 1999, during the Dubai Conference.
In 1932, the tradition of raising funds to support the movement emerged, encouraging participants to contribute a small amount, which helped the expansion of Scouting and Guiding throughout the world. Today, World Thinking Day is not limited to the Scouting movement, but involves everyone in reflecting on global issues and strengthening values such as unity, friendship and harmony without political or religious barriers.
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