January 16th is Croquette
January 16th is Croquette Day, highlighting the popularity and versatility of this snack enjoyed worldwide.
The celebration began in 2015, when a restaurant specializing in croquettes, located in Madrid, Spain, established the date to honor this delicacy. Since then, the celebration has gained support from several gastronomic establishments, which prepare special recipes for the occasion.
Although croquettes are widely consumed in Spain, their origin is attributed to France. It is believed that the first croquette was created in the 19th century, quickly becoming popular in several countries, each adapting the recipe to local ingredients and tastes.
The croquette is known for its versatility, and can be filled with a variety of ingredients, such as ham, chicken, cod or cheese. Its crispy texture on the outside and creamy on the inside wins over connoisseurs all over the world, consolidating itself as a classic of international cuisine.
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