January 7th is Postage Stamp Day
January 7th is Postage Stamp Day in honor of the birth of Heinrich von Stephan (1831-1897), the man responsible for organizing the German postal system and founder of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). The date was officially recognized by the International Philatelic Federation in 1937, although UPU member countries can choose their own date for the celebration.
The date also marks the historical importance of postage stamps, such as the famous Penny Black, launched in 1840 in England. This was the first postage stamp in the world, created by educator Rowland Hill, and today, a Penny Black unit can be worth millions of dollars, being coveted by collectors around the world.
With the advancement of technologies and the popularization of digital communication, the use of traditional mail has declined, but the postage stamp market continues to thrive, with exhibitions and dedicated collectors.