Digestive System
It is responsible for processing food, breaking it down into nutrients that the body can absorb and use for energy, growth and repair.
Mouth: Where food is ingested and the digestion process begins through chewing and the action of saliva.
Esophagus: Channel that transports food from the mouth to the stomach.
Stomach: Where food is mixed with gastric juices, breaking down into simpler substances.
Small Intestine: Main site of absorption of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats).
Large Intestine: Absorbs water and salts, forming feces.
Liver: Produces bile, which helps with the digestion of fats.
Pancreas: Produces enzymes that help digest food in the small intestine.
Gallbladder: Stores bile produced by the liver, releasing it to the small intestine when necessary.
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