Infinite Train (Infinity Train
Infinite Train (Infinity Train, in the original title in English) is a cartoon of adventure and fantasy produced by Cartoon Network. The series follows the journey of a girl named Tulip Olsen, who is trapped on a mysterious and seemingly endless train, where each carriage is a different world, with its own mysteries and challenges. With each carriage Tulip passes, she meets new passengers and uncovers a little more about the nature of the train. Accompanied by her friends, a robot named One-One and a talking dog named Atticus, Tulip must overcome physical and emotional challenges as she searches for a way to get off the train and return home. The cartoon addresses themes such as self-discovery, friendship, family and personal growth, in addition to having captivating animation and an engaging soundtrack. The series premiered in 2019 and has four seasons, ending in 2021. The series was well received by critics and the public, gaining a large number of fans... Did you know?