Woody Woodpecker
Woody Woodpecker is a cartoon character created by American animator Walter Lantz in 1940. The character is known for his irreverent personality, his characteristic laugh and his antics. The cartoon Pica-Pau follows the adventures of the eponymous character, who is a crazy bird that lives in the forest and is always looking for fun and trouble. Woodpecker is often chased by the hunter Elmer Fudd, the evil cat Sylvester and other characters who try to catch him. The show is known for its physical humor and slapstick, with Woody Woodpecker frequently pulling pranks and taunting his enemies from him. The character is also famous for his funny lines and for breaking the fourth wall, interacting directly with the audience. Woody Woodpecker has become a pop culture icon, appearing in countless movies, TV shows, games, and other media. His signature laugh and irreverent personality continue to be loved by generations of fans around the world... Did you know?