Chemical radioactivity
Chemical radioactivity is a phenomenon in which unstable atoms emit subatomic particles or electromagnetic radiation to achieve greater nuclear stability. There are three main types of radiation: alpha particles, beta particles and gamma radiation.Alpha (α) particles: These are helium nuclei composed of two protons and two neutrons. They have a positive charge and limited penetration. Beta particles (β): These are high energy electrons or positrons. They have a lower charge and mass than alpha particles and have a greater penetration capacity. Gamma radiation (γ): It is a form of electromagnetic radiation without charge and mass. It is highly energetic and has the greatest penetrating ability. Radioactivity occurs in unstable atoms known as radioactive isotopes, which are transformed into more stable isotopes through radioactive decay. Alpha decay (α), Beta decay (β) and Gamma radiation emission (γ).
Did you know??
A descoberta da radioatividade foi um marco na história da ciência e abriu portas para uma compreensão mais profunda da estrutura da matéria e das forças nucleares. Gosto bastante dessa área da ciência.
- by Anderson Brando, Brasil
Trata-se de uma área de estudo intrigante e crucial na ciência, que explora o comportamento de elementos químicos que emitem radiação devido à instabilidade de seus núcleos atômicos.
- by Yasmin Lima, Brasil