Friends is an American sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman and presented on the NBC television network between September 22, 1994 and May 6, 2004, with a total of 236 episodes. The series revolved around a group of friends who lived in the Greenwich Village neighborhood on the island of Manhattan in New York City. The series featured all six main cast members throughout its run, with numerous secondary characters recurring across all ten seasons. Then they starred: Jennifer Aniston as the rich and spoiled waitress Rachel Green, Courteney Cox as the chef Monica Geller (sister of Ross), Lisa Kudrow as the musician Phoebe Buffay, Matt LeBlanc as the actor Joey Tribbiani, Matthew Perry as the food processor data Chandler Bing and David Schwimmer as paleantologist Ross Geller (Monicas older brother)
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