Courage, the Cowardly Dog, released in 1999
Courage, the Cowardly Dog, released in 1999, captivated the public with its mysteries and peculiar characters. Created by John R. Dilworth, the design was inspired by the names of the dog's owners, Chandler Muriel Bing and Ross Estácio Geller, from "Friends". It addressed serious themes such as machismo and domestic violence in episodes such as "The Mask", as well as possible references to serial killers. Nominated for an Oscar, it lost to "Wallace and Gromit". Theories suggest a connection to Area 51 and a homage to "The Exorcist." Coragem's fearful personality is explained by his isolated upbringing in a desert environment. Broadcast on Cartoon Network, it was a success from the beginning, especially with the episode "A Voyage of the Space Chicken".
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