The Samoyed
The Samoyed is a breed of dog originating from Siberia, known for its dense white coat, characteristic smile and friendly nature. Created more than a thousand years ago by the Samoyeds, a semi-nomadic Asian people who settled in one of the coldest regions of Siberia. Developed to withstand extreme temperatures and work in various roles, such as hunting, herding and pulling sleds. Its impressive appearance, with a thick, double white coat, ideal for protection against the intense cold. It has a long outer coat and soft undercoat and its friendly nature makes it an excellent companion. Generally healthy, but prone to hip dysplasia, eye diseases (such as glaucoma and progressive retinal atrophy), and heart problems (such as subvalvular aortic stenosis). They are great family dogs, loyal and protective, they like to be close to their humans.
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