Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies organic compounds
Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies organic compounds, which contain carbon in their molecular structure. These compounds are present in nature and in synthetic products manufactured by humans. Organic chemistry focuses on the structure, properties, synthesis and reactivity of organic compounds. Structural formulas and functional groups are used to represent and identify the compounds. Topics covered include nomenclature, structure and properties, organic synthesis, reaction mechanisms and reactivity of functional groups. Organic chemistry is essential in many industrial sectors such as pharmaceuticals, polymers, food, energy and general chemicals. Its development contributes to society and science.
Did you know??
A complexidade e a beleza das moléculas orgânicas são fascinantes, e o estudo da química orgânica é uma jornada emocionante que nos permite entender melhor os segredos da vida e os mistérios do universo molecular.
- by Adriana Beker, Brasil
É uma área da química extremamente vasta e diversificada, abrangendo desde compostos simples, como o metano, até moléculas altamente complexas, como proteínas e DNA.
- by Dani Carvalho, Portugal