Naruto almost didn't have the name Naruto!
The name of the protagonist of Naruto, one of the most iconic figures in anime, almost wasn't that! Originally, Masashi Kishimoto didn't have the idea of naming the main character Naruto. The name that would end up becoming known worldwide was inspired by narutomaki, a type of spiral fish used in ramen, Naruto's favorite dish. The author, when reflecting on the personality and characteristics of the protagonist, thought that the name would make sense, given Naruto's love of food and the spiral shape that resembled his surname, "Uzumaki".
Before deciding on "Naruto Uzumaki", Kishimoto considered other names. He tested several alternatives, but none of them seemed to fit as well as the name that ultimately defined the hero's identity. The name "Naruto" ended up being the one that best represented both the essence of the character and the connection with Japanese culture, especially with its association with ramen, which would become an iconic part of the story.
Thus, although many options were considered, it was the name inspired by the Japanese dish that became a trademark of the character, reflecting both his humble origins and his love for overcoming and food.
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