March 12 is the Birthday of Recife
March 12 is the Birthday of Recife, the capital of Pernambuco, celebrating its history, culture and development. Officially founded on March 12, 1537, Recife is one of the oldest cities in Brazil and played a fundamental role in Portuguese colonization and trade during the colonial period.
Known as the "Brazilian Venice" due to its rivers and bridges, Recife is one of the main cultural and economic centers of the Northeast. The city is home to historical heritage sites, such as the Recife Antigo neighborhood, and notable cultural manifestations, such as frevo and maracatu, which are part of the most traditional Carnival in Brazil.
During the anniversary celebrations, cultural events, musical performances, exhibitions and activities are held to celebrate the historical richness and diversity of Recife. The date is a moment of pride for the people of Recife, who remember the history of their city and plan for its future.
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