Here is a drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis, released in January 2025. The film is an adaptation of the graphic novel of the same name by Richard McGuire and explores the concept of time and space by telling several stories that take place in the same place over different periods.
Fun facts about the film:
"Forrest Gump" Crew Reunion: "Here" marks the reunion of eight members of the "Forrest Gump" crew (1994), including director Robert Zemeckis, actor Tom Hanks, actress Robin Wright, screenwriter Eric Roth, director of photography Don Burgess, composer Alan Silvestri, sound designer Randy Thom and costume designer Joanna Johnston.
Exploration of Time and Space: The film stands out for its unique approach in portraying multiple interconnected narratives in the same physical space, but at different historical moments, offering a profound reflection on the passage of time and the changes that occur in a single location.
The film "Here" has been praised by critics for its innovative narrative and the performance of the renowned cast, consolidating itself as one of the most impactful cinematographic works of 2025.
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