Inside Out 2
Inside Out 2 is the long-awaited sequel to Pixar's hit animated film, which premiered in June 2024. In this new adventure, we follow Riley as she enters adolescence, a period marked by new emotions and challenges. Here are some interesting facts about the film:
New Emotions: In addition to the already known emotions — Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear —, the film introduces new characters that represent typical adolescent emotions, such as Anxiety, Envy and Boredom. The character Anxiety, for example, was designed without a nose, symbolizing the difficulty in breathing that often accompanies anxiety attacks.
Changes in the Voice Cast: Mindy Kaling and Bill Hader, who voiced Disgust and Fear in the first film, did not return for the sequel. The reasons for this change have not been officially disclosed.
New Directorial Debut: Kelsey Mann has taken over as director of "Inside Out 2," marking his directorial debut on an animated feature. Mann previously worked as a screenwriter on "The Good Dinosaur" and was a script supervisor on "Monsters University" and "Onward."
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