February 3
February 3 is Lawyer's Day, celebrating the importance of this profession in defending justice, promoting human rights and preserving the rule of law. The date honors professionals who, in various areas of law, work to ensure equity and dignity in social relations.
The Origin of the Date
International Lawyer's Day has its roots in the homage to Saint Ivo of Kermartin, a 13th-century French priest and lawyer, known as the "patron saint of lawyers". Although his official day is celebrated on May 19, February 3 was chosen internationally to highlight the role of lawyers in global contexts and the contributions of the profession to society.
The Role of the Lawyer in Society
Lawyers play essential roles in the protection of individual and collective rights. They are responsible for guiding, mediating and representing citizens and organizations in legal matters. In times of conflict, they ensure that everyone has access to justice and ensure that laws are applied fairly and impartially.
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