February 3rd is Women in Medicine
February 3rd is Women in Medicine Day, in honor of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to obtain a medical degree in the United States and in the world.
Elizabeth Blackwell: Pioneering and Legacy
Born in 1821, Elizabeth Blackwell faced significant barriers to entering medicine, a predominantly male profession at the time. After being accepted at Geneva Medical College in New York, she graduated in 1849, becoming the first recognized female physician in the United States. Her determination and success opened doors for other women in medicine, inspiring future generations.
Women in Medicine: Advances and Challenges
In Brazil, the female presence in medicine has grown significantly. Studies indicate that, in 2020, the country had already surpassed the mark of half a million physicians, with an increasingly large, young and female professional population. This evolution reflects the growing participation of women in various medical specialties, contributing to the diversity and quality of health care.
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