February 3 is the day of Saint Blaise
February 3 is the day of Saint Blaise by the Catholic Church, in honor of Saint Blaise, a bishop and martyr of the 4th century, known for his charitable actions and for performing miracles of healing, especially related to throat diseases.
Origin of the celebration
Saint Blaise was born in the region of Armenia and, according to tradition, was a physician before becoming a bishop. He became famous for performing miracles of healing, particularly through divine intercession on behalf of people suffering from respiratory problems and throat diseases. For this reason, his memory is especially associated with protection against throat diseases and respiratory problems.
Devotion to Saint Blaise spread quickly, and his feast day was established by the Catholic Church as a way of recognizing the importance of his life of faith, dedication to others and the divine protection he offered to the faithful.
Traditions and Rituals
In many parishes around the world, especially in countries with a Catholic tradition, the date is marked by a blessing of Saint Blaise. During the celebrations, the faithful are blessed with crossed candles over their heads, symbolizing protection against throat diseases and prayers for good health.
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