January 29
January 29 is Trans Visibility Day, with the aim of promoting respect, inclusion and recognition of the identity of trans people in Brazil. The date was established in 2004, during the 1st National Seminar of Transvestites and Transsexuals, held in São Paulo, to highlight the achievements, challenges and struggles of the trans community in the country.
The date seeks to give visibility to the issues faced by trans people, such as prejudice, violence and social inequality, in addition to promoting discussion on the importance of inclusion and respect for gender diversity. National Trans Visibility Day also serves as a moment to celebrate the victories achieved by the community, such as the right to a social name, health and inclusive education.
Several organizations, groups and social movements promote activities such as lectures, walks, cultural events and awareness-raising actions on social media. The date is an opportunity to raise awareness in society about the human rights of trans people, strengthen the fight against transphobia and ensure a more equal future free from discrimination.
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