January 14 is Logic Day
January 14 is Logic Day, a date dedicated to highlighting the importance of logic in everyday life, science, technology and the search for truth. Established by UNESCO and the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) in 2019, the day was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of two great thinkers: Alfred Tarski (1901), whose theories interacted with those of Gödel, and Kurt Gödel (1906), famous for his incompleteness theorems.
Logic, which studies the rules of valid reasoning, is at the heart of several disciplines, including philosophy, mathematics, computer science and linguistics. However, its relevance goes beyond the academic field, influencing practical decisions and promoting critical thinking in an increasingly interconnected world full of misinformation.
Events at universities and institutions around the world mark the date, including lectures, workshops and debates on the role of logic in topics such as artificial intelligence, ethics and problem solving. On social media, hashtags such as #WorldLogicDay and #WorldLogicDay invite people to reflect on the impact of logical thinking on their lives.
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