September 13th Deck Card
September 13th Deck Card day in Brazil, to value a cultural and leisure symbol, present in popular games and cartomancy. The origin of the date is uncertain, but it is believed that it was created by the letter industry to strengthen its role in Brazilian daily life. The deck has a long and rich history, with records of use in China and spread throughout Europe until reaching Brazil, where it quickly became popular in games such as truco and hole. During the colonial period, card production in Brazil was clandestine due to the Portuguese monopoly of the Real Fábrica de Cartas, founded in 1769. The first official card factory was installed in Rio de Janeiro in 1811. With the end of the monopoly in 1824, Brazil began to produce and import letters from other countries, such as France and Germany, and developed a strong local industry, mainly in Rio de Janeiro and Recife. In the 1940s, casinos boosted the use of playing cards.
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