November 15th is the day of the Proclamation of the Republic
November 15th is the day of the Proclamation of the Republic in Brazil, and represents a historical milestone, as it was when the country ceased to be a monarchy under Dom Pedro II and became a republic in 1889. This movement occurred in a context of political, social and economic instability, characterized by: Discontent with the Monarchy; Influence of Republican Ideas and Social and Economic Issues. On November 15th, a group led by Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca deposed Dom Pedro II and proclaimed the republic, which became a federative republic. The Proclamation of the Republic brought important transformations such as: End of the Monarchy (Change in the country's power structure); New Constitution (The first republican Constitution was promulgated in 1891) and Citizenship and Rights (The republic encouraged debates on citizenship and the population's participation in politics).
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