November 3rd
November 3rd is the day of the institution of the right to vote for women in Brazil . Before 1930, women were excluded from the democratic process. This reality began to change with the approval of a bill in the Senate, but the enactment of the right to vote for women only occurred in February 1932. Initially, only married women (with their husband's authorization), single women with their own income and widows could vote, and the universal right was only achieved in 1934. Despite representing the majority of the Brazilian electorate today, women still face low representation in parliaments and governments. During the 1920s, there were several social movements, such as the Semana de Arte Moderna and the Movimento Tenentista, which questioned the current order, allowing the growth of the feminist movement, led by figures such as Maria Lacerda de Moura and Bertha Lutz.
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