Frequently asked questions about The Moon and the giant planets:
What is The Moon and the Giant Planets:, How to make The Moon and the Giant Planets:, Who invented The Moon and the Giant Planets:, Why did The Moon and the Giant Planets: happen, What to do in The Moon and the Giant Planets:

The Influence of the Moon and the Giant Planets
History of Sergio Ferreira - Maranhao, Brasil

The Moon and
The Moon and the giant planets: The movement of the Moon around the Earth helps to stabilize the axis of rotation, maintaining a constant tilt, which is crucial for the cycle of the seasons . In addition, the gravitational force of the Moon is responsible for the occurrence of tides and ocean currents , which influence the Earth's climate . The gravity of the giant planets, especially Jupiter, attracts asteroids and comets that could collide with the Earth and cause extinctions .
Earth's magnetic field: This field acts as a protective shield, deflecting much of the harmful radiation emitted by the Sun.

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