Game Phases: The game is divided into several phases
Game Phases: The game is divided into several phases, which occur in a specific order: a) Maintenance Phase: In this phase, some special effects take place and players resolve any effects that occur at the beginning of the turn. b) Draw Phase: The active player draws a card from the top of his deck. If there are no more cards left in the deck, the player loses the game as he cannot draw. c) Main Phase: The active player can play cards, cast spells, use creature abilities and perform other strategic actions. This is where most gameplay takes place. d) Combat Phase: The active player can attack with his creatures. Creatures can attack the opposing player directly or attack creatures controlled by the opponent. The defending player can block attacks with his own creatures. e) End Phase: In this phase, players resolve any effects that occur at the end of the turn and prepare for the next round.
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