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The Wind sign is represented by the number 2
History of Moderator - Lisboa, Portugal

The Wind sign i
The Wind sign is represented by the number 2, and symbolizes the ability to make decisions that lead to victory. Thus, its natives are able to overcome any challenge and even go through storms, managing to remain calm after the turmoil. These are characterized as flexible, agile and with great physical strength. In addition, they are also quite firm in morals. Ruled by Venus, he has Quetzalcoatl as his deity. The following days are considered lucky for Wind energy: January: 8, 20; February: 6, 18; March: 2, 14, 26; April: 7, 19; May: 1, 13, 25; June: 6, 18, 30; July: 6, 18, 30; August: 5, 17, 29; September: 10, 22; October: 4, 16, 28; November: 9, 21; December: 3, 15, 27... Did you know?

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