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In the Aztec horoscope
History of Moderator - Lisboa, Portugal

In the Aztec ho
In the Aztec horoscope, the Cayman sign is characterized by prudence, description and intelligence. These natives tend to mature early, have a connection with nature and like freedom. With iron health, they are hardworking and have a good capacity to overcome losses. They achieve their goals with ease and offer support and security in love. These beings are very faithful, prefer stability and are extremely generous on a sentimental level. Those born under the sign Cayman are the following: January (4, 16, 28); February (2, 14, 26); March (10, 22); April (3, 15, 27); May (9, 21); June (2, 14, 26); July (8, 20); August (1, 13, 25); September (6, 18, 30); October (12, 24); November (5, 17, 29); December (11, 23). Its number is 1 and it has light green as its main color... Did you know?

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