According to popular legend regarding the order in which
According to popular legend regarding the order in which the animals would appear in the lunar calendar, it says that one day, the Jade Emperor decided to hold a New Year's party and invited all the animals. He then organized a race between them to decide which ones would make up the cycle of years in the Chinese zodiac. To make the dispute fair for everyone, the smallest one, the mouse, was placed on the back of the ox to cross the river. The mouse was the first to cross the finish line, followed by the ox, and the tiger, who had overcome the force of the water. The rabbit, due to its agility, managed to jump from one bank to the other and was the fourth to arrive. The dragon, who had to stop to create rain, was kindly rewarded with fifth place. The other animals completed the remaining vacancies, such as the snake, the horse and the pig, which was the last to cross the finish line. In this way, the Chinese horoscope was formed and the myth of the animal race continues to this day... Did you know?