June 8, 1924 - Beginning of the Atle-Tiba classic
June 8, 1924 - Beginning of the Atle-Tiba classic, between Atlético/PR and Coritiba. The result was 6-3 for Coritiba with goals from Ninho (4), Staco and Bento. Raul, Marques and Ary discounted for Atletico. The first final of an Atle-Tiba was held in 1941, each club had won a shift. Coritiba won both games, the first at the opponent's home by 3 x 1, with goals from Saul, Rubinho and Pio. Oscar cashed for Atletico. In the second game, the crowd sang victory and the banners were already ordered. Final, Coritiba 1-0, with a goal by Neno... Did you know?