Frozen is a 2013 animated musical film produced by Walt Disney Animation. The film tells the story of two sisters Anna (Kristen Bell) and Elsa (Idina Menzel) who live in Arendelle. About to be crowned queen, Princess Elsa discovers that she has powers over ice, and how much the people around her can be in danger because of it. Frightened, she decides to take refuge in the mountains. Anna sets out on a journey with Kristoff (Jonathan Groff), her pet reindeer (Sven) and snowman Olof (Josh Gad) to find her sister. Originally Elsa was to be a villain in the film, but the producers noticed that the character had a journey of overcoming and ended up rewriting the film; The film's crew visited the Hotel De Glace, Quebec's ice hotel, to inspire the ice castle design; The animation team created a snowflake generator to create 2,000 different snowflakes for them to use... Did you know?