Rob Marshall reimagines the animated musical classic The
Rob Marshall reimagines the animated musical classic The Little Mermaid for the big screen. The story revolves around Ariel, the adventurous young mermaid, daughter of King Triton. She is eager to discover the world beyond the sea and when she visits the surface, she falls in love with Prince Eric. Though mermaids can't interact with humans, Ariel follows her heart and makes a deal with the evil Ursula, the Sea Witch. This gives him the opportunity to experience life on land, but at the same time puts his own life and his father's crown at risk. Film released in 2023, and stars Halle Bailey, Jonah Hauer-King, Javier Bardem and Melissa McCarthy with Daveed Diggs, Jacob Tremblay and Awkwafina in voice roles... Did you know?