Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty is an animated film produced by Disney in 1959. It tells the story of a princess named Aurora, who is cursed by an evil witch named Maleficent. The curse says that Aurora will prick her finger on a spindle and die on her 16th birthday. However, the good fairies Flora, Fauna and Primavera manage to alter the curse, causing Aurora to sleep soundly until she is awakened by true love's kiss. Throughout the story, we see the good fairies fight against the witch Maleficent, who wants to keep the curse and prevent Aurora from being saved. Prince Philip, a brave young man, is the hero who must fight the curse and wake up Aurora. The film is known for its incredible animation, memorable soundtrack and iconic characters such as the villainous Maleficent and the good fairies. It continues to be loved by many generations as a timeless Disney classic... Did you know?