Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a classic Disney animated film released in 1937. It tells the story of a beautiful princess pursued by her stepmother, the Evil Queen, who wants to get rid of her for jealous of her beauty. Snow White escapes and finds shelter in a house with seven dwarfs, but the Evil Queen discovers where she is and tries to kill her with a poisoned apple. Fortunately, a prince charming appears to save her. The film is a milestone in animation history, with catchy music, lovable characters and a positive message at the end. The film is considered a milestone in animation history and was the first animated feature film produced by Disney. It set the formula for many of the animated films that followed, with catchy music, lovable characters and a positive message at the end. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is a timeless classic that continues to delight children and adults around the world... Did you know?