Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign of the Zodiac
Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign of the Zodiac, coming from the constellation of Scorpius. When passing through the tropical zodiac (commonly used in Western astrology), the Sun is between October 23rd and November 22nd. According to the sidereal zodiac (more common in Hindu astrology), the Sun passes through Scorpio from approximately November 16th to December 15th. Depending on the zodiac system, someone born under the influence of this sign may be called a "Scorpio" or a "Scorpio". The constellation of Scorpio is based on the legend of Orion. Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy, became jealous of his sister Artemis' friendship with the giant and sent a scorpion to bite him. Zeus placed the image of the animal, along with the star of Orion, as a tribute to history... Did you know?