The Subject
The Subject is a term used in grammar to identify who or what performs or suffers the action of the verb in a sentence. It is the main element of the sentence and describes the theme or focus of the action expressed by the verb. In a simple sentence, the subject is usually composed of a noun, a pronoun, or a word that functions as a noun. It agrees in number and person with the verb in the sentence. It can be simple, compound, hidden or indeterminate, depending on the structure and context of the sentence. Examples: "The dog barked."; "Maria and Pedro went to the cinema."; "It rained all night." and "They say it's going to rain tomorrow." In imperative sentences, for example, the subject is often omitted, as the action is directed towards an undetermined person or speaker. Example: "Study for the test!" In this case, the subject ("you") is implied... Did you know?