At the beginning, there is samba. Or semba
At the beginning, there is samba. Or semba. Or whatever the name given to the singing and dancing parties of the Bahians of Cidade Nova. Later, samba evolves into a distinct musical genre. Whether sung, like the one by the group that created "Pelo Telephone", or danced in the front rooms, including Ciata, among other Bahian "aunts" and their descendants. In backyards, Afro cults are celebrated with the tacit connivance of the police. Samba, now as a genre, is born from umbigada, batuque, lundu, polka and several other influences, with its graceful movements and captivating nuances, often intertwining with maxixe, the "excommunicated dance". It is this amaxixado samba, exemplified by artists such as Sinhô, nicknamed the King of Samba, and "Pelo Telephone" himself, which rocked Rio de Janeiro, including during Carnival, in the first three decades of the 20th century.
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