Buriticá 200, known as the "Lost City
Buriticá 200, known as the "Lost City," is an archaeological site in Colombia, located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, with around 32 ruins at different altitudes. Built by the Taironas between the 10th and 16th centuries, it presents a complex lithic infrastructure on terraces adapted to the topography. Discovered in 1972, the site was inhabited by up to 10 thousand people from the Tayrona tribe, with a sophisticated drainage system. Looted during the Spanish invasion, artifacts have been restored by archaeologists. To date, only 10% of the site has been explored, keeping its landscape almost untouched. The challenging access comprises 1,200 steps, and following armed conflicts, the area has been protected by an NGO since 2009. . Interestingly, a demonstration on cocaine production at the site was discontinued after photos fell into the hands of the military.
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