PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie
PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie is a Canadian digitally animated adventure comedy based on the television series PAW Patrol. Produced by Spin Master Entertainment and animated by Mikros Image, the film was directed by Cal Brunker and released in August 2023 by Paramount Pictures in the United States. The plot involves a magical meteor that grants superpowers to the canine protagonists of Paw Patrol. When archenemy Humdinger escapes from prison and teams up with a mad scientist to steal these powers, Skye, the smallest of the team, must stop them and discover her own strength. The voice cast includes Marsai Martin, Kim Kardashian, Finn Lee-Epp, Christian Corrao, Callum Shoniker, Luxton Handspiker, Ron Pardo, Taraji P. Henson and other notable personalities... Did you know?