Modern astrology is based on the interpretation of the Natal Chart
Modern astrology is based on the interpretation of the Natal Chart, associating astrological meanings with the context of the analyzed situation. Predictive analysis uses techniques such as Transits, Progressions, Arc Directions and Solar Return. Despite almost disappearing in the 20th century, Horary Astrology has recently re-emerged with renewed interest in traditional techniques. Classic zodiac signs are associated with specific parts of the body. In addition to Western astrology, other forms are practiced globally, with traditions in China since 2000 BC, in India since around 1500 BC, and in the Aztecs with 20 signs. 19th century English astrology was influenced by theosophy, and today, there is a resurgence of "classical astrology", including translations of ancient works, as well as psychological and transpersonal approaches.
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