The originality of Athenian democracy lies in the fact that it
The originality of Athenian democracy lies in the fact that it is a direct democracy, that is, all citizens participate in the government of the polis through their participation in the Ecclesia, without the existence of representatives. However, it had contradictions: only citizens had political rights, excluding metics (foreigners), women and slaves. Furthermore, there were restrictions on freedom of expression, such as ostracism (expulsion from the city-state of Athens for 10 years) and the death penalty (an aspect that is not acceptable in light of current democracy). Athens also exercised imperialism over the city-states allied with the Delian League (a defensive alliance of city-states against the Persians). Despite its limitations, it inspired current democracies. Using the comparative method between the Athenian government and current democratic governments, showing an evolution over time, having its origins in Ancient Greece.
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