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The sign of Aries occupies the first place in the zodiac
History of Moderator - Lisboa, Portugal

The sign of Ari
The sign of Aries occupies the first place in the zodiac. Ruled by Mars, it forms the triplicity of Fire signs along with Leo and Sagittarius. Its symbol is the ram, also representing the cardinal element of the four signs: Cancer/Crab, Libra/Libra, Capricorn and Aries. People born between March 21st and April 20th are considered Aries/Aryans. This constellation is represented by a ram's head, with a spiral horn, which can be seen with the naked eye. This image harks back to Greek mythology of Phrixus, son of Atamas, who was saved from murder by his stepmother, Ino, by a ram with golden wool sent by his mother, Nefele. Later, the animal was sacrificed and its wool buried in the orchard of Ares, the God of War, giving rise to the name of the sign... Did you know?

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