Frequently asked questions about Dyslexia
What is Dyslexia, How to treat Dyslexia, Who invented Dyslexia, Why Dyslexia happened, What to do in Dyslexia

Understanding Dyslexia
History of Yasmin Lima - Ceara, Brasil

World Dyslex
World Dyslexia Day is celebrated annually on October 10. The day was created to raise awareness about dyslexia, a condition that affects reading and writing, making it difficult to decode words and read fluently. Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities and can affect people of all ages. The goal of the day is to promote understanding and acceptance of dyslexia, as well as demystify the stigmas associated with it. Organizations and groups hold events, lectures and campaigns to educate society about the importance of inclusive teaching methods that meet the needs of dyslexic individuals.

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